Colin Marshall

Colin Marshall

Associate Professor of Philosophy
Network Member

I am an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Washington, Seattle. Most of my work revolves around the metaphysical and normative boundary between mind and world, often from a historical perspective. My recent publications include Compassionate Moral Realism (Oxford University Press, 2019), "Kant’s (Non-Question-Begging) Refutation of Cartesian Scepticism" (Kantian Review, 2019), and an edited collection, Comparative Metaethics: Neglected Perspectives on the Foundations of Morality (Routledge, 2019). I am currently at the early stages of a project on the ethics of persuasion, with special attention to relevant work in social psychology. The first manifestation of this project will be a new introductory-level course, "Persuasion or Manipulation? The Ethics and Psychology of Influence," which I plan to teach in Fall 2020 (just in time for the next presidential election!). I hope to complete a monograph on the topic by the end of 2021.