Evan Dutmer

Evan Dutmer

Instructor in Latin, Ancient Mediterranean Cultures, and Ethics, Culver Academies

Evan Dutmer is Instructor in Latin, Ancient Mediterranean Cultures, and Ethics at the Culver Academies, a boarding school in Northern Indiana. His main teaching interests in philosophy lie in virtue ethics, the philosophy of well-being, and character education. He received his PhD in Ancient Philosophy from Northwestern University in 2019. His academic work has been accepted for publication in the New England Classical Journal, Journal of Ancient Philosophy, Teaching Classical Languages, The Journal of Classics Teaching, and Bryn Mawr Classical Review. He has also published several public-facing pieces for the Journal of History of Ideas Blog, In Medias Res, Quinquennium, and Ad Familiares. He is the 2020 Indiana Classical Conference Teacher of the Year, Rising Star.